• Welcome to Perth True Therapy of Melville

    Posted on April 20, 2013 by Christina Arapolu in Uncategorized.



    Thank you for visiting to browse our new site.  We are very excited to be on the web.  However, please be patient and remain curious as we build it up and make changes.  We plan to add a lot of new information on massage and it’s many benefits, Alternative and Complementary Healthcare, events and special offers, and local happenings as time goes by.

    Perhaps the most exciting of our coming improvements will be the addition of our directory for affiliated local practitioners of many varieties of the Healing Arts.

    Please take a moment to fill out the form on our Contact page if you have questions, would like to book a session for Therapeutic Massage, or would like more information about the instructional courses being offered.

    Warm Regards,
    Christina Arapolu, LMT

2 Responsesso far.

  1. Angela says:

    Hi Christina

    I have a 22 month old daughter that has a global developmental delay. I am looking for an ABM (Anat Baniel method) therapist in Perth. Do you have any information regarding this therapy or know/have a therapist we could meet with?
    Kind regards

    • Hi Angela,
      unfortunately I am not specifically trained in ABM, and my personal contacts are in the US. I am familiar with Feldenkrais, which is somewhat similar, but have never practiced the method on such a young child, nor have I practiced it recently.
      I’ve searched through all of my resources and am not finding any Certified AMB practitioners in the Perth region. However, I did find a thoroughly trained and experienced practitioner in Melbourne who may be able to provide you with a local contact. (There are definitely practitioners of all sorts that do not always advertise online.) I hope she is able to help you find the therapist you need. Here is the link to her contact page: http://www.movementmadeeffortless.com.au/contactinformation.html
      Thank you for your inquiry, and best of luck on your family’s therapeutic journey.

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