True Therapy

At Perth True Therapy, the Whole Person is treated as one complete being, rather than just in parts. Administering advanced musculoskeletal manipulation techniques combined with breathwork and integrated principles of Oriental Theory, relief from pain and discomfort is rendered while the body is gently and naturally realigned and structurally balanced, providing long term results without unnecessary pain during treatments.

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Massage Sessions, Fees and Gift Vouchers

Experience a wide and advanced rage of Therapeutic and Relaxation Techniques, always provided with regard and respect for each client as an individual. Click the link for details of Session Fees.

Instructional Courses

From Beginners to Existing Practitioners, classes are offered to embark on your new career in The Healing Arts, or to enhance your current practice. Click the link for details of Courses Offered.

Local Affiliates in Alternative Health

Have a look some of our proud local affiliates of The Healing Arts. Be it Reiki and Energetic Healing, Osteopathy, or Acupuncture that you are seeking, let us put you in touch with the right local therapists to meet all of your Health and Wellbeing needs. Click the link for details of our Local Allied Modalities Practitioners.

Interesting News and Articles

See what is going on around the globe in Alternative Health and Well Being. Read interesting news about the benefits of massage, energetic work, self awareness, active consciousness, and many other related topics of interest. Click the link to read our articles from around the globe.

I have been receiving massage regularly for many years in Perth, and have never quite experienced the style of techniques that Christina practices. It is quite amazing and more effective than any of the other work I have received!