Local Affiliates in Alternative Health

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Photo of  Mandi  Cloete
Mandi Cloete
Metaphysical Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, and Practitioner of Energetic Healing Founder of SAGE Transformational Coaching

 “The only way to see beyond your darkness is to be set alight by your inner sun” Isira

Having difficulty finding your way? Do you feel like there is more to life but not sure what it is? Are you confused, overwhelmed; maybe looking for a new approach to your life? The time for something new is here.

Metaphysical Coaching, Energetic Healing and Balancing can be your vehicle to new horizons, taking you to the place where you reach your FULL potential, and it doesn’t have to be painful to get there. I can show you ways of accessing your true nature by finding the source within and following the path to joy.

When will it be time to be on your path to your dreams and desires? That time is NOW.

What I offer:

  • Metaphysical Coaching – taking traditional models of coaching to a whole new level by exploring what is holding you back from being all that you can be. Together we embark on a journey of discovery, transforming beliefs that no longer serve you and forging new ones that support you. During the time we spend together you will reconnect with your primary relationship, your authentic Divine self!

  • Energetic Healing and Balancing – combining various forms of energy healing modalities to release blocked energy bringing about more balance and harmony into your life.


  • Qualified Professional Coach with more than 25 years experience in the realm of personal and spiritual development
  • Founder of SAGE Transformational Coaching
  • International Coaching Federation ACTP Qualified Coach
  • Internationally certified Neuro Linguistic Practitioner
  • Internationally certified Conversational Ericksonian Hypnotherapist
  • Internationally certified Time Line Therapist
  • Reiki Master
  • Shamanic Healing – Munay Ki Initiate
  • Currently studying an MA in Metaphysical Science

©Mandi Cloete http://www.sagetransformationalcoaching.com.au