Kate’s Bio Test

Photo of  Kate  Ringvall
Kate Ringvall
Practitioner of Energetic Healing Reiki 1 & 2, Crystal Therapy, Angel Therapy

What is it that we fear the most?
“It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same…”
-Marianne Williamson


Modalities Practiced

The energetic healing modality that brings peace and harmony to the mind, body and spirit.

Crystal Therapy_
Using crystals to channel healing for relaxation and clearing the chakra system and the aura.

Angel Therapy_
Using Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy techniques to clear, shield and balance the energy field

Chakra Clearing & Balancing_
Clearing and balancing the chakras to assist in healing and restoring peace.

Space Clearing_
Energetically clearing spaces of unwanted or negative energy.


The body’s energy field is:
….the foundation for healing to begin! Our energy field (or aura) is the, invisible to most, layer of energy around our body that holds all the energetic information about ourselves and where we are at in our current journey. When the information in the aura/energy field is accessed through the body’s chakra system the sources of unease, emotional and physical pain, negative habits and stuck energy it can be released and peace, harmony and balance in the mind, body and spirit can be restored. Energy healing works at clearing, cleansing and balancing this auric/energetic field through Reiki, Angel Therapy and Crystal healing techniques. Kate has been working as an Energy Healer since 2006 and has been trained by Doreen Virtue and Rachelle Charman, both Internationally recognised healers and teachers.

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