About Christina Arapolu, LMT, CBE, of Perth True Therapy

“My core focus in practicing, instructing, and promoting Therapeutic Massage and Peaceful Birthing Practices, is to employ a fully Holistic Approach, administering care for each client as an individual with respect and regard for the Whole Person, rather than merely the injury or ailment they present with.  My deepest belief as a therapist and instructor, is that each practitioner and educator must recognise their responsibility to provide a complete therapeutic experience by effectively combining precise clinical technique with compassionate intuition, empowering each client to heal physically and emotionally, while promoting personal growth and awareness through the Body Mind Connection.
My early passion for, and work in Traditional Midwifery, impressed upon me at a very young age, the importance of healing touch in all aspects of life.  As Midwives, Doulas, Birth Attendants, Therapists, and Educators, we have a very sacred opportunity, in an incredibly holy part of each person’s life, to invite or discourage enlightenment and self-empowerment, through every way in which we communicate.  Our touch, speech, and open acknowledgement for each human being in the most intimate parts of their lives, has sincerely profound power.  I have made it my life’s truest work, deepest responsibility, and greatest privilege, to always invite rather than unconsciously discourage this self-empowerment and potential for heightened awareness, by practicing the utmost degree of consciousness,  complete presence, reverence, and radical respect, in meeting each person where they are, providing them with all the information available to me at any given time, non-judgmentally, about all the choices available to them, and holding space in a way that allows for true personal growth and self-exploration.
I am an advocate for women, children, families, and individuals, in every aspect of their lives, and therefore know it is not my job to ‘fix, heal, or enlighten’ anyone, but to facilitate their own deepest knowledge that they alone have the innate power to do these things for themselves, and to provide them with the tools, information, or often merely the space they need, to awaken to their own deepest inner abilities.”
-Christina Arapolu, LMT, CBE

With nearly 1000 hours hands on training at the highly renowned and prestigious Florida School of Massage, followed by more than 10 years clinical practice experience, Christina is proud to be able to offer a therapeutic expertise that is currently unmatched by any local or national standard.

All of Christina’s foundational education was completed during 11 months of full time hands on training, in classes led by the nation’s most highly acclaimed instructors and therapists.  Her studies include over 180 hours of Anatomy & Physiology, 80 hours of Kinesiology, 100 hours of Oriental Theory, over 250 hours of practicum training in varied massage techniques and modalities including Deep Connective Tissue, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Shiatsu, Hydrotherapy, Sports Massage, and Swedish Massage for Relaxation, as well as many other elective courses such as Pregnancy Care, Reflexology, Preventing Medical Errors, Pathology, Communication Skills, and Clinical Management.
Since migrating to Australia, Christina’s academic education has been extended and updated by her recent obtainment of both a Certificate IV in Holistic Massage Therapy, and a Diploma of Remedial Massage.
Having 10 years clinical practice experience in Florida, which is among the most highly regulated places worldwide for massage training and practice, has given Christina the thoroughly advanced skill and diagnostic techniques required to treat most any musculoskeletal condition with deep reverence and great expertise, as well as many other ailments, from pregnancy discomforts, TMJ, and migraines to stress relief, and even more complex conditions like Plantar Fasciitis and Fibromyalgia.
Current Therapeutic Practice
Christina  is excited to be offering techniques, approaches, and practices that are uniquely innovative for Australian Massage Therapy, and hopes to extend some of these procedures into common practice throughout the national field of Therapeutic Massage.
Having completed her Australian requirements, Christina is very pleased to now be offering Massage Therapy Instruction and Training , including Introduction to Therapeutic Massage, Holistic Massage Certificate, and Remedial Massage Diploma courses, for those interested in a career in Professional Therapeutic Massage.  She hopes to soon be offering some smaller, complimentary workshops as well, for those personally interested in gaining some massage technique, or for therapists looking to advance their skill or learn additional modalities to compliment their existing practice.

Click the Events link on the homepage for our calendar of upcoming courses and other events.

Contact her for details about creating a personalized course structure to accommodate your current schedule while training here in Perth, or travelling abroad. (Some theory and academic work can be done online, if desired.)